
UNSW Resources

School of Chemistry Local Page -  Lots of useful links for Chemistry students.

ACLS Booking System - UNSW instrument booking system.

Jaggaer - Chemical inventory system for the School of Chemistry.

Software - Essential software distribution for Chemistry students. Follow the instructions to download: Chemdraw, Microsoft Office, Graphpad, MATLAB, VPN client etc.

Other Software - Home of BindFit and BindSim, an online open data resource for fitting binding constants. 

Mendeley - An excellent reference manager to sort your paper collection. 

TopSpin - NMR processing software.

Mercury - Crystal structure visualisation software.

Literature Resources

SciFinder - Essential database for finding research articles. (Linked with UNSW Proxy)

Web of Science - Essential database for finding research articles. (Linked with UNSW Proxy)

Google Scholar - Another great database for finding research articles.

Reaxys - The go-to website to look up and plan reactions

DOI resolver - A very useful Google Chrome extension to find papers based on their DOI.

Feedly - RSS Feed manager, excellent to organise RSS feeds from Journals to keep up to date with the literature. 

Other Resources

Not Voodoo - A fantastic resource for organic synthesis.

Common NMR impurities - Essential data for NMR.

Organic Chemistry Portal - Another fantastic organic synthesis resource.
